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Monday, March 11, 2013

Not quite 23...

This blog post is coming a half week later because I was waiting on our doctor's appointment before posting so I could post Jack's most recent size and weight findings. I'm sure you are thrilled I did. ;)

Mini G's size: According to Baby Center, at 22 weeks a baby averages to be 11 inches long and weighs about 1 pound. At 23 weeks, a baby is just over a pound. We are in the middle of these two weeks with Jack and he is measuring 1lb 8oz! We really do have a linebacker on our hands. :) He is also measuring 24.5 weeks all over, too. His weight balances out with how big he is measuring so that makes me feel better but I sure hope this baby slows down or I'll be popping out a toddler.

Weight gain: I'm currently up 8.5 - 9 pounds at this point and continue to go to Zumba once a week and am trying to walk a few days a week since the weather is warming up. I really hope to stay on target with weight gain and with Jack already weighing 1lb 8oz of that plus my uterus and fluids, I'm feeling pretty good that the weight gain isn't all me.

Best moment this week: Seeing Jack's wiggly self this morning at the ultrasound. He is head down and his body was wrapped along my right side with his feet on my left so he's definitely taking over in there. The ultrasound tech just kept commenting on how much of a "mover" he was. Our second best moment of the week was finding out that our house should close in June instead of August. I'd LOVE to get into the new house before Jack arrives.

Food cravings: Still nothing major. I did have to have Michael go out and get me a chocolate shake the other night and think of soft serve chocolate ice cream often. However, with saving for a house and trying to stay on track with weight, I try not to give into cravings unless I can't live without it...

Symptoms: Round ligament pain and heartburn, still. After fighting off strep, I'm definitely tired all the time but am hoping that gets better.

Looking forward to: Continuing to feel Jack kick. I absolutely love that feeling. For now. ;)

We continue to see the high risk doctor ever 3-4 weeks to monitor his kidneys. We met with Dr. Rink from Riley Children's Hospital today and he seemed very positive. He informed me this is the most common thing they identify during pregnancy and that 80% of babies outgrow Hydronephrosis in utero. The 20% that don't ends up being roughly 1 in every 500 pregnancies and can usually be fixed with a simple surgery. At this point, if that is the only thing wrong with Jack, I can handle it. Keep the positive thoughts coming our way; we appreciate them. :)


The GROWING Goodins 

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