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Monday, April 1, 2013

25.5 weeks and a house

Last week and this week I have been on Spring Break and it's been good and bad. The good part is knowing I didn't have to go to work in the morning. The bad part is this horrible weather Indiana has surprised us with. In other good news, they've been working on our house and it's moving right along! Being on break has allowed me extra time to drive by and check out the progress. They are estimating that our foundation will be laid and framing will be started by the end of next week! :)

We go to the high risk doctor on Thursday and I'm excited to see how Jack is growing. He's been moving and rolling all he can in there and I'm afraid of the time when he runs out of room and gets his foot stuck in my rib. Luckily, I'm only dealing with complete uncomfortableness and raging heartburn lately. The heartburn has been keeping me awake at night and Tums aren't touching it. I may need something stronger... 

I will update on Jack on Thursday or Friday. For now, here are some updates on our house. I can't WAIT for them to get the framing done and start seeing progress on the house itself. For now, here's my 25 week pictures: 

I don't feel like I got much bigger the past week or two... 
I'm sure I'll hit another growth spurt soon to make up for it.

& here are our house pictures...

Beginning process of laying the footers.

footers and foundation walls


Not the inside of our house (yet) but excited for our white trim and two panel doors. :)

The GROWING Goodins

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